Further information.#

Why do we do python -m pip install and not pip install#

In some places you will see that to install a Python library you can run the following in the command line:

$ pip install <library>

Instead of:

$ python -m pip install <library>

This will work and most often will have the same effect however it is not recommended.

On some occasions pip, which is the library used to install packages will not correspond to the same python install you are using. To ensure this does not create any problems it is recommended to use python -m pip install <library>.

Here is a short blog post discussing this: https://adamj.eu/tech/2020/02/25/use-python-m-pip-everywhere/.

How to install multiple libraries at a time#

If you want to keep a record of multiple python libraries that you want to install, the convention is to keep them in a file called requirements.txt.

Then to install all the libraries you can run the following in the command line:

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

For example, the requirements.txt file for this software used to write this book looks like:


If the version specifications are omitted then the latest versions of the libraries would be installed.


What is the Python package index#

The Python package index commonly referred to as PyPI is:

“The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language.”

In practical terms it is where developers upload their libraries so that they can be installed with pip.

What is a virtual environment#

When using Python for a number of projects it can be beneficial to isolate the entire software environment for each project. This is done using something called a virtual environment and allows you to have multiple versions of Python that you choose to use for different things.

Two common ways of using virtual environments are:

  • venv: this is in the standard Python library.

  • conda: this is a dependency manager that comes with Anaconda.

You can read more about virtual environments at the following links:

What is conda install#

Some libraries can be installed using the Anaconda dependency manager conda, in these cases a pre built binary of the library will be installed. You can read about this here: https://www.anaconda.com/blog/understanding-conda-and-pip.