About the Course

Game Theory: Introduction to the course

This course will cover the following aspects of Game Theory:

All course materials are available online at vknight.org/gt/. You can also find all the source files that create that website at github.com/drvinceknight/gt/.

Course content

There are 3 components to the course content, all of which can be found at this site.

Virtual board

I will use a virtual board throughout class:

In class activities

In class we will not follow the class texts: these are there for you to read on your own time. Instead we will use activities and other examples to illustrate the concepts. I have my own notes for those (which are also available to you).

If you would like some information about the pedagogic approach:

It is possible that the course notes will change: for things like typos and clarifications, all of the notes are hosted openly on github and if you’re interested you can find a list of all changes here: github.com/drvinceknight/gt/commits/main

In class seminars

There are four seminars scheduled for this class: these are meant to spike your interest.

Technology in class

Please use whatever resources you need to be successful in this class. Let me know if I can help with anything.

Office hours

I will not hold specific office hours. Please speak to me (face to face or via email) to arrange a time to meet.


In this course every participant (including myself) will be having many interactions with other participants. Some potential examples of this:

I expect every participant (including myself) to act with kindness during these interactions.

Some examples of how this applies to me:


There are three pieces of assessment in this course:

More information about assessment: here

Log of past relevant classes

05/21/24: Overview of assessment performance

In this post I will discuss the performance of the class:

04/16/24: Individual Coursework Feedback

I have marked the individual coursework and the overall performance is impressive: the average mark is 85%.

02/16/24: Mid module feedback and meetings

On Tuesday we had two class. We went through your mid module feedback and had a brief discussion about meetings.

02/06/24: A rock paper scissors lizard spock tournament

In class today we bore witness to Tim’s talent at Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock and also: not everyone got chocolate.

01/30/24: Structure of the class and the two thirds of the average game

Thanks all today for a fun class!

01/24/24: Welcome to the Game Theory class 2024 -- important note about timetable

Welcome to you if you are thinking of doing MA3604 (Game Theory) this year.

07/04/23: Overview of group coursework performance

The group coursework is a difficult assessment marked on a difficult scale. Summary of the class marks are here:

03/21/23: Solutions to mock

In class today I went over the mock coursework.

03/21/23: Discussing the individual coursework

In class today we discussed the individual coursework. I did my best to take all questions and ensure everyone understood what each question is asking for.

02/23/23: Mid module feedback

On Friday you spent some time filling in the mid module feedback for Game Theory. Here I will go over some of the recurring points raised.

02/20/23: Taking the temperature of the class and a rock paper scissors lizard spock tournament

In Friday’s class I took a brief poll about how things were going for students in the class and then we all played rock paper scissors lizard spock tournaments.

02/06/23: An anonymous feedback form

Following a suggestion from a student, here is a link to an anonymous (in practice) feedback form:

01/31/23: Structure of the class and the two thirds of the average game

Thanks all today for a fun class!

01/30/23: Welcome to the Game Theory class 2023

Welcome to you if you are thinking of doing MA3604 (Game Theory) this year.

Class notes: About the class and Normal Form Games

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