A huge apology for rushing and overrunning today. I know better and will make sure I don’t do that again.
A recording of the class is available here.
We spoke about the general structure of the class and you can find that information here: https://vknight.org/gt/topics/about-the-course.html.
After all this, we discussed what a game is (and I really appreciated the conversation we had here):
Then we played the two thirds of the average game.
Here are how everyone played:
Because I rushed this we did not have time to have much of a discussion. We will talk about this a bit more on Friday, including a question someone who guessed 100 asked at the end:
Is playing 100 to spoil the game a genuine thing?
That’s my rephrasing (so I apologise if I’m not quite repeating your words correctly!) but I will address this question a bit more on Friday.
Another person asked at the end of class:
“When should I get started on my coursework?”
My answer is essentially: you can start thinking about possible projects already but I’m aware you don’t have much of a definition of game theory yet. So I’d expect students to be able to come up with project ideas to discuss with me sometime towards the end of week 2 :)
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