About \(LaTeX\)

A typesetting language is a language that requires the user to write code that is then 'translated' to a form that is 'human readable'.

A powerful typesetting language that is popular in scientific writing is \(\LaTeX\) (pronounced: lay-tech).

This resource gives an overview of \(\LaTeX\): you can either install \(\LaTeX\) on your own computer:

If you do not already have an installed version I recommend overleaf.com a cloud based service.

A basic document

(Keywords: documentclass.) Video demo

In the editor type the following:


Hello, world!

The next step is to compile this tex file. For the purposes of this tutorial I recommend compiling with a modern compiler like pdflatex or xelatex. If you are using a cloud based service compilation usually happens automatically.

main.tex main.pdf

Special characters

(Keywords: comments, quote.) Video demo

(Keywords: quotes, characters, comments.)

The following keys are used to type text in a source file:

a-z A-Z 0-9
+ = * / ( ) [ ]

The following punctuation marks:

' ? ! : ` ' -

Finally there are 13 special keys that are used in commands:

# $ % & ~ _ ^ \ { } @ " |

For example, % sign is used to denote comments in LaTeX (like # in Python).

\begin{document} % This line start the document

Note also that to include text in quotes a different character for the opening and closing quote needs to be used:

Here is how to use `single quotes' and here is how to use double ``quotes''.

A document showing these two things together is:

\documentclass{article} % There are various classes of documents, we will see a few later.

\begin{document} % This line start the document
Here is how to use `single quotes' and here is how to use double ``quotes''.

main.tex main.pdf

The preamble

(Keywords: preamble.) Video demo

In general all the code that comes before the \begin{document} statement is called the 'preamble' and is used to set a title for the document, call certain packages as well as various other things. The following code (to be inserted in the preamble of your document) sets a title:

\title{Choose a title}
\author{V Knight}

If you compile your document this won't include the title in the output. To do so you need to include the following line (in the main body):


A full document with this is:

\documentclass{article} % There are various classes of documents, we will see a few later.

\title{The preamble}
\author{V Knight}

\begin{document} % This line start the document


Hello, world!

main.tex main.pdf

An abstract

(Keywords: abstract.) Video demo

The following will add an abstract to your document:

    This document contains some basic LaTeX code that will be useful to me
    in the future.

A full version of this is:

\documentclass{article} % There are various classes of documents, we will see a few later.

\title{An abstract}
\author{V Knight}

\begin{document} % This line start the document

    This document contains some basic LaTeX code that will be useful to me
    in the future.


Hello, world!

main.tex main.pdf


(Keywords: lists, bullet points.) Video demo

There are various ways to obtain lists:

    \item Unordered item number 1
    \item Unordered item number 2
    \item Ordered item number 1
    \item Ordered item number 2

A full document with both these lists is:


\title{Writing lists}
\author{V Knight}



    \item Unordered item number 1
    \item Unordered item number 2

    \item Ordered item number 1
    \item Ordered item number 2

Note that in LaTeX indentation is not required it is just good practice. Unlike Python where specific environments are delimited by indentation levels, in LaTeX they are ended by specific end statements \end{enumerate}.

main.tex main.pdf


(Keywords: tables, tabular, booktabs.) Video demo

The following code creates a simple table (note the c, r, and l tags that indicate text alignment, experiment by changing these):

    Name     & Gender & Start Time\\
    Angelico & Male   & 1100\\
    Leanne   & Female & 0830\\
    Lisa     & Female & 0730\\

The above makes use of the basic tables available in \(\LaTeX\). The booktabs packages allows for improved aesthetics. To use this requires \usepackage{booktabs} in the preamble:

    Name        & Gender & Start Time\\
    Angelico    & Male   & 1100\\
    Leanne      & Female & 0830\\
    Lisa        & Female & 0730\\

A full document with this table is:



\author{V Knight}



A normal table:

    Name     & Gender & Start Time\\
    Angelico & Male   & 1100\\
    Leanne   & Female & 0830\\
    Lisa     & Female & 0730\\

A table with the booktabs package:

    Name        & Gender & Start Time\\
    Angelico    & Male   & 1100\\
    Leanne      & Female & 0830\\
    Lisa        & Female & 0730\\


In general in LaTeX \\ is used to denote a 'new line'.

main.tex main.pdf

Including pictures

(Keywords: pictures, jpg, png, graphicx.) Video demo

To include a picture is straightforward in LaTeX. We make use of the graphicx package. In LaTeX packages are included in the preamble using usepackage. Include the following in the preamble:


The following code (somewhere in the body) will include a picture:


We can put this in the center environment to centre the picture:


We can also pass options to includegraphics to specify the width. For example, this ensures the picture will be 60% of the width of the page:


Here is an example image:

Images can be in jpg, png and pdf format when using a modern compiler, here is a picture as an example: dog.jpg.

A full document with that images is:



\title{Including images}
\author{V Knight}





main.tex main.pdf

Drawing pictures

(Keywords: tikz, diagrams.) Video demo

Graphs, pictures and diagrams can thus be created in any software of choice (Python, inkscape, etc...) and then included as required but it is often easier to draw a picture in LaTeX itself using code. A great package to do this with is tikz. Include the following in the preamble:


Using this package we start a picture by setting up a tikzpicture environment.



We then draw various shapes and connectors using the \draw command including coordinates:

    \draw (0,0) -- (0,2); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (0,2)
    \draw (-1,1) -- (1,1); % This draws a line from (-1,1) to (1,1)
    \draw (0,0) -- (1,-1); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (1,-1)
    \draw (0,0) -- (-1,-1); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (-1,-1)
    \draw (0,2.5) circle(.5); % This draws a circle at (0,2.5) with radius .5

This is very much touching the surface of what can be down with tikz. The simplest next step is to include various color and thickness options (we can also center the drawing):

        \draw [ultra thick] (0,0) -- (0,2); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (0,2)
        \draw [thin, color=blue] (-1,1) -- (1,1); % This draws a line from (-1,1) to (1,1)
        \draw [thick] (0,0) -- (1,-1); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (1,-1)
        \draw [thick] (0,0) -- (-1,-1); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (-1,-1)
        \draw [color=red, fill=green] (0,2.5) circle(.5); % This draws a circle at (0,2.5) with radius .5

A lot more can be done with tikz and there are a variety of great examples, tutorials online.

A full document with that images is:



\title{Drawing with tikz}
\author{V Knight}



        \draw [ultra thick] (0,0) -- (0,2); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (0,2)
        \draw [thin, color=blue] (-1,1) -- (1,1); % This draws a line from (-1,1) to (1,1)
        \draw [thick] (0,0) -- (1,-1); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (1,-1)
        \draw [thick] (0,0) -- (-1,-1); % This draws a line from (0,0) to (-1,-1)
        \draw [color=red, fill=green] (0,2.5) circle(.5); % This draws a circle at (0,2.5) with radius .5


main.tex main.pdf

Floats and captions

(Keywords: floats, moving figures, moving tables, label.) Video demo

When including images, pictures and tables it is beneficial to make them standalone objects that can be referred to throughout the text. This is done in \(\LaTeX\) using the concepts of "floats".

Pictures and diagrams are figures:

Figure~\ref{my_picture} shows a picture.

    \caption{A picture}

Tables are tables:

Table~\ref{my_table} shows a table.

            Name        & Gender & Start Time\\
            Angelico    & Male   & 1100\\
            Leanne      & Female & 0830\\
            Lisa        & Female & 0730\\
    \caption{A table}

Note that these are called "floats" because they are designed to move in the document to ensure the best use of space. As a result of this it is good practice to not refer to floats by relative position. For example do not use: in the picture below but in Figure~\ref{my_picture}.

\(LaTeX\) will aim to place floats in an efficient manner however some of the rules it follows can be broken by passing the following options:

A full document with a figure and a table, using all those options is (this uses this image: cat.jpg):



\title{Captions and floats}
\author{V Knight}



Figure~\ref{my_picture} shows a cat.

    \caption{A cat}

Table~\ref{my_table} shows a table.

            Name    & Animal \\
            Auraya  & dog \\
            Chick   & cat \\
            Duck    & cat \\
            Riggins & dog \\
    \caption{A table of pets}


main.tex main.pdf


(Keywords: sections, subsections, label.) Video demo

It is possible to organise parts of a document using 'sections':

\section{My first section}

This is a section with a few subsections.

    \subsection{A part of my first section}

    Here I could write about the problem I'm trying to solve.

    \subsection{Another part of my first section}

    In this subsection I could solve the problem.

        \subsubsection{Further fragmentation...}

\section{My second section}


We can include labels to sections so that we can refer to them:

\section{My first section}\label{first_section}

\section{My second section}\label{second_section}

In Section \ref{first_section} we saw that...

When compiling one needs to compile twice:

  1. The first time to find all the labels;
  2. The second time to match the labels to the references.

If you are using a web service (like overleaf) then this usually happens automatically.

Note, labels can be using in conjunction with tabular (for tables) and figure (for images) environments, these are called "floats" and are a very useful feature of LaTeX but are not covered here.

A full document with sections is:


\author{V Knight}



\section{My first section}\label{first_section}

This is a section with a few subsections.

    \subsection{A part of my first section}

    Here I could write about the problem I'm trying to solve.

    \subsection{Another part of my first section}

    In this subsection I could solve the problem.

        \subsubsection{Further fragmentation...}

\section{My second section}\label{second_section}

In Section \ref{first_section} we saw that...

main.tex main.pdf


(Keywords: bibtex, bibliography, cite.) Video demo

To create a bibliography we need to store the bibliographic information in a separate 'bibtex' file. In this file you include bibliographic information for the various references you might have.

The following is the code for a book on LaTeX. Save the following in a separate file: bibliography.bib:

    author = {Gr\"{a}tzer, George},
    publisher = {Springer},
    title = {{More Math Into LaTeX: A Guide for Documentation and Presentation}},
    year = {2007}

We can then reference the 'key' (for the above it is Gratzer2007) for any document in the bibliography file using the following:

A very helpful reference for LaTeX is \cite{Gratzer2007}.

Note that there are a variety of tools that will give you bibtex code for any given reference (Google Scholar, JabRef, Zotero, Mendeley etc...).

We need to however include a pointer towards the bibliography, at the end of the document include:


We now need to compile a document twice (as above to find all internal references for sections, figure etc...) and then we compile the bibliography with bibtex and then we need to compile one last time to match the bibliography items with the citations.

If you are using overleaf then this happens automatically.

A full document with sections is:


\author{V Knight}



A very helpful reference for LaTeX is \cite{Gratzer2007}.


main.tex main.pdf bibliography.bib

Inline mathematics

(Keywords: mathematics, inline.) Video demo

Typesetting mathematics is \(\LaTeX\)'s strength. Here is an example of including some "inline" mathematics:

Mathematics can be typed in to \LaTeX\ as $x^2$ and/or

Note that using \( and \) is preferred over $. One of the reasons is that it is easier for humans (and machines) to find the start and end of some mathematics.

A full document making use of inline mathematics is:


\title{Inline mathematics}
\author{V Knight}



Mathematics can be typed in to \LaTeX\ as $x^2$ and/or \((a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2\).

main.tex main.pdf

Displayed mathematics

(Keywords: mathematics, display.) Video demo

To include mathematics in a "displayed" style use the following:

Here is an integral:

    \int_{0}^{5}x ^ 2dx

Here is a summation:


Note that using \[ and \] is preferred over $$. One of the reasons is that it is easier for humans (and machines) to find the start and end of some mathematics.

A full document making use of displayed mathematics is:


\title{Displayed mathematics}
\author{V Knight}



Here is an integral:

    \int_{0}^{5}x ^ 2dx

Here is a summation:


main.tex main.pdf


(Keywords: mathematics, equations, label.) Video demo

Mathematics can also be included in equations and referred to as for sections:


In equation (\ref{my_first_equation}) we have a very well known relationship!

A full document making use of equations is:


\author{V Knight}




In equation (\ref{my_first_equation}) we have a very well known relationship.

main.tex main.pdf

Text in mathematics

(Keywords: text, mbox, mathematics.) Video demo

To include text within mathematics we can use the text command from the amsmath package:

    x^2 = 1 \text{ implies} x=\pm 1

Be sure to include usepackage{amsmath} in the preamble.

Another command that does this is mbox which does not require the amsmath package.

A full document making use of \text is:



\title{Text within mathematics}
\author{V Knight}



    x^2 = 1 \text{ implies} x=\pm 1

main.tex main.pdf

Arithmetic operators

(Keywords: arithmetic, mathematics.) Video demo

Arithmetic operators are available in \(\LaTeX\):

    \item \(a+b\)
    \item \(a-b\)
    \item \(-a\)
    \item \(ab\)
    \item \(a\cdot b\)
    \item \(a\times b\)
    \item \(a/b\)
    \item \({a\over b}\)
    \item \(\frac{a}{b}\)

A full document showing these is:


\title{Arithmetic operators}
\author{V Knight}



    \item \(a+b\)
    \item \(a-b\)
    \item \(-a\)
    \item \(ab\)
    \item \(a\cdot b\)
    \item \(a\times b\)
    \item \(a/b\)
    \item \({a\over b}\)
    \item \(\frac{a}{b}\)

main.tex main.pdf


(Keywords: matrices, linear algebra, mathematics.) Video demo

The following code gives a 3 by 2 matrix:


Note that this requires the amsmath package.

Other types of matrices can be obtained used \begin{matrix} and begin{vmatrix}.

A full document showing these is:



\author{V Knight}






main.tex main.pdf

Aligned mathematics

(Keywords: aligned, label, mathematics.) Video demo

It is possible to create aligned mathematics using:

    (x+h)^2-x^2 & =x^2+2xh+h^2-x^2 \nonumber\\
                & =2xh+h^2 \nonumber\\
                & =h(2x+h) \nonumber

Note that this requires the amsmath package.

Annotated text can also be added:

    (x+h)^2-x^2 & = x^2+2xh+h^2-x^2 && \text{(by distributivity)}\\
                & = 2xh+h^2         && \text{(by subtraction)}\\
                & = h(2x+h)         && \text{(by factorisation)}

A full document showing these is:



\title{Aligned mathematics}
\author{V Knight}



Some examples of aligned mathematics:

    (x+h)^2-x^2 & =x^2+2xh+h^2-x^2 \nonumber\\
                & =2xh+h^2 \nonumber\\
                & =h(2x+h) \nonumber

Some explanatory text:

    (x+h)^2-x^2 & = x^2+2xh+h^2-x^2 && \text{(by distributivity)}\\
                & = 2xh+h^2         && \text{(by subtraction)}\\
                & = h(2x+h)         && \text{(by factorisation)}

main.tex main.pdf

Partitioned statements

(Keywords: partitioned, mathematics.) Video demo

It is possible to create partitioned statements for case dependent expressions:

    1 + (-1) ^ n =
            0, & \text{if \(n\) odd}\\
            2, & \text{if \(n\) even}

Note that this requires the amsmath package.

A full document showing this is:



\title{Partitioned statements}
\author{V Knight}



    1 + (-1) ^ n =
            0, & \text{if \(n\) odd}\\
            2, & \text{if \(n\) even}

main.tex main.pdf

Page formatting

(Keywords: header, margin, footer, page, geometry.) Video demo

It is possible to modify margins, footer and header size of \(\LaTeX\) pages.

This is done using the geometry package.

\usepackage[margin=1.5cm, includefoot, footskip=30pt]{geometry}

This sets a margin size, include a footer and sets the distance between the text and the footer.

There are numerous other options that can be passed to the geometry package. Some of these are:

A full document showing this is:


\usepackage[margin=1.5cm, includefoot, footskip=30pt]{geometry}

\title{Page formatting}
\author{V Knight}




main.tex main.pdf


(Keywords: beamer, presentations.) Video demo

It is possible to create high quality presentations in \(LaTeX\). To do this we use the beamer document class:


\frame{This is my first slide.}

\frame{This is my second slide.}


It is possible to select from a number of different themes (and make your own):


A full document showing this is:




\frame{This is my first slide.}

\frame{This is my second slide.}


main.tex main.pdf

Titles and sections with presentations

(Keywords: beamer, presentations, titlepage.) Video demo

Most of the LaTeX code you have learnt so far an be used without much change in a beamer presentation within the frame environment. There are however a few particularities:

To make a title, you need to use the \titlepage instead of the \maketitle command:


We can also have frame titles and sections as before in a Beamer document:


\section{Simple Beamer}
\frame{\frametitle{My first slide}}

There are various other commands and tools that can be used in Beamer. In particular take a look at the pause, only and onslide commands.

A full document showing this is:



\title{Beamer with sections and titles}
\author{V Knight}




\section{Simple Beamer}

\frame{\frametitle{My first slide}}


main.tex main.pdf

Including code

(Keywords: code, listing.)

It is possible to include code in \(\LaTeX\).

One approach is to use the listings library. To use this requires \usepackage{listings} in the preamble:

def fibonacci(n):
    if n in [0, 1]:
        return 1
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

for n in range(5):
    print(n, fibonacci(n))

Another approach is to use the minted library. To use this requires \usepackage{minted} in the preamble:

def fibonacci(n):
    if n in [0, 1]:
        return 1
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

for n in range(5):
    print(n, fibonacci(n))

A full document showing these is:


\title{Include code}
\author{V Knight}




def fibonacci(n):
    if n in [0, 1]:
        return 1
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

for n in range(5):
    print(n, fibonacci(n))

The minted library is an alternative approach:

def fibonacci(n):
    if n in [0, 1]:
        return 1
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)

for n in range(5):
    print(n, fibonacci(n))


main.tex main.pdf

Using columns

(Keywords: columns, side by side,)

It is possible to use columns in \(\LaTeX\).

This can be done using the usepackage{multicol} package.


    Here is some text in the first column.


    Here is an equation in the second column:

        x ^ 2


    Here is some text in the third column.


A full document showing this is:


\title{Using columns}
\author{V Knight}





    Here is some text in the first column.


    Here is an equation in the second column:

        x ^ 2


    Here is some text in the third column.



main.tex main.pdf

Further materials

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