Paul Harper

📢 23 Publications

  1. A conservative index heuristic for routing problems with multiple heterogeneous service facilities
  2. A game theoretic model of the behavioural gaming that takes place at the EMS - ED interface
  3. Ambulance Allocation for Maximal Survival with Heterogeneous Outcome Measures
  4. Ambulance Allocations for Maximising Survival within a Heterogeneous Population using a Heterogeneous Fleet
  5. Ciw: An open source discrete event simulation library
  6. Containment of socially optimal policies in multiple-facility Markovian queueing systems.
  7. Cost-Effective Workforce Planning: Optimising the Dental Team Skill-Mix for England.
  8. Determining patient outcomes from patient letters: A comparison of text analysis approaches
  9. Discrete Conditional Phase-Type Models Utilising Classification Trees: Application to Modelling Health Service Capacities.
  10. Emergency services utilization in Jakarta (Indonesia): a cross-sectional study of patients attending hospital emergency departments
  11. Forecasting Welsh Ambulance Demand using Singular Spectrum Analysis
  12. Forecasting Welsh Ambulance Demand using Singular Spectrum Analysis
  13. Modelling changes in healthcare demand through geographic data extrapolation.
  14. Modelling deadlock in open restricted queueing networks
  15. Modelling Emergency Medical Services with Phase Type Distributions.
  16. Modelling of psoriasis patient flows for the reconfiguration of secondary care services and treatments
  17. On the Peter Principle: An Agent Based Investigation into the Consequential Effects of Social Networks and Behavioural Factors.
  18. Operational research ambassadors in schools
  19. Operational Research Informing National Health Policy
  20. Optimising Heterogeneous Ambulance Fleet Allocations in Jakarta
  21. Predicting Adolescent Social Networks to Stop Smoking in Secondary Schools
  22. Selfish routing in public services.
  23. Time-dependent stochastic methods for managing and scheduling Emergency Medical Services