Evolutionary Game Theory

Note: this is a collection of resources for a seminar. The goal of a seminar is to spike your interest and not necessarily for you to learn anything. For the learning resources please take a look at the corresponding topics listed at the bottom of this page.

Emergent Behavior in Complex Environments: Evolutionary Game Theory


Modelling macro behavior is an important goal of a lot of applied mathematical and statistical fields. In Game Theory it is in fact the micro behavior that is modelled so that the macro behavior can be observed. This is an important subject that extends to applications not only in Mathematics but Economics, Biology, Ecology and Military Sciences.

In the second talk of this seminar series I will consider an extension to equilibrium behavior based on mathematical notions of evolution. This area of game theory explores the idea not of equilibrium but of actual emergence. Can we model mathematically if a given behavior can actually emerge?

The answer to this is yes: it lies in the field of evolutionary game theory.


Corresponding Topics

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