I have finished the first 3 modules of a higher education certification process. This page contains all my outputs.

I post about PCUTL on G+ using: #pcutl (clicking on "Most Recent" gives the posts in chronological order).

Module 1:

Here is my module 1 portfolio.

Module 2:

I've started a blog series reviewing some literature I've picked out for this Module:

Here's a video I put together that accompanies this python script looking at creating inclusive learning resources:

Here is my module 2 portfolio.

Module 3:

Here is a blog post with some Tikz code for a pyramid corresponding to Bloom's taxonomy.

Here's a bibtex file with a bunch of references I used for my third module.

Here's a video of the presentation titled: 'Understanding student engagement with formative assessment.' This was done for the group part of this module:

Here is my module 3 portfolio.