Prisoners Dilemma



  1. Repeating the Prisoners Dilemma twice: does cooperation emerge? - YouTube - Private

  2. The general form of the Prisoners Dilemma - YouTube - Private

  3. Axelrod’s tournaments: a first computational case of understanding the emergence of cooperation. - YouTube - Private

  4. Using Python to study the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma with the Axelrod library. - YouTube - Private

Class meeting notes

Typical Programming Exercises

  1. Output the row player payoff matrix corresponding to an Iterated Prisoners Dilemma Tournament (with 200 turns) with the following strategies from the Axelrod library:
  2. Create a variable A which has value the row player payoff matrix corresponding to an Iterated Prisoners Dilemma Tournament (with 200 turns) with the following strategies from the Axelrod library:
  3. Output the Nash equilibria (as a list) that corresponds to the Normal Form Game for the following strategies of an Iterated Prisoners Dilemma Tournament (with 200 turns) from the Axelrod library:


Log of past relevant classes

02/20/24: Iterated Prisoners Dilemma Tournament

In class ran an iterated prisoners dilemma tournament.

04/25/23: Zero Determinant strategies and CCU interactions

In class today I discussed this paper two papers:

Class notes: Prisoners Dilemma

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