Extensive form games



  1. When players don’t play at the same time: Extensive Form of the coordination game. - YouTube - Private

  2. Definition of Extensive Form Games - YouTube - Private

  3. When players do not know everything: imperfect information in Game Theory - YouTube - Private

  4. Describing points at which players have equivalent information: information sets. - YouTube - Private

  5. Strategies in Extensive Form games equivalence with Normal Form Games. - YouTube - Private

  6. Using Python to find Nash equilibria of Extensive Form Games using Nashpy - YouTube - Private

Class meeting notes

Typical Programming Exercises

  1. Create a variable normal_form_game which has value the Normal Form Game that corresponds to the extensive form game shown here.
  2. Output the Normal Form Game that corresponds to the extensive form game shown here.


Log of past relevant classes

02/19/24: Extensive Form Games

In class today we spoke about extensive form games.

03/03/23: Extensive Form Games + The Prisoners Dilemma

In class this week we went over Extensive Form Games and The Prisoners Dilemma. Extensive Form Games allow us to model more general strategic interactions where players do not necessarily make decisions with the same amount of information. The Prisoners Dilemma is a particular game that when repeated allows to be a model for reputation.

Class notes: Extensive form games

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