In class today we spoke more about strategies which are methods for picking actions from action sets. Specifically we spoke about best responses: what is the best strategy when faced with a given strategy.
A recording of that class is available here.
I started class by discussing what the original expectations you had might have been about Game Theory and if anyone had any queries. No one did which is good news as I assume it means I’ve made the expectations of the class clear. If that’s not quite right and you still have any questions please get in touch!
I also reminded you that the deadline to form your groups was coming up, if you need a hand to get in touch with your assigned group please let me know.
After this we played matching pennies against strategies played by a computer. A large group of you seemed to grasp early that there was a “right” way to play against the first two strategies.
We took at look at calculating the best response \(\sigma_c*\) against the strategy \(\sigma_r=(x, 1-x)\).
We saw that depending on the value of \(x\) we had 3 possible best responses:
All of this was lead by the idea that the expectation for a given \(\sigma_c\) is a linear function. The function can either:
I pointed out that \(\sigma^rB\) is a row vector that is essentially the game from the column players point of view for a given value of \(\sigma_r\)*.
This leads to the concepts described in this section of the notes:
Which is that we could write down a generic form of \(\sigma_c^*\):
(0, 1),&\text{ if } x > 1/3\\
(1, 0),&\text{ if } x < 1/3\\
\text{indifferent},&\text{ if } x = 1/3
We spent some time then doing the same thing for \(\sigma_r^*\):
\sigma_r^* =
(1, 0),&\text{ if } y > 1/2\\
(0, 1),&\text{ if } y < 1/2\\
\text{indifferent},&\text{ if } y = 1/2
(where \(y\) is the probability of being in the first column).
I then passed briefly over the remaining sections of the notes:
One thing I did not do in class was:
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