Here is a brief summary of the seminar today.
A recording of the class is available here.
You can see the abstract for the seminar here
The seminar started with an auction for £10 with the important caveat that:
Scion and Cain ended up both caught in a bidding war.
If Scion had bid £9.50 and Cain £10.00, Scion has two actions available:
This cycle escalates as each player’s best choice at each step is to bid again.
We eventually stopped the auction finding a way for Scion and Cain to share the £10 I took from my wife’s wallet that morning.
After that I gave the seminar which gave an overview of a number of building blocks of Game Theory leading up to the concept of a Nash equilibria.
I also mentioned the move “Beautiful Mind” which is about John Nash. If there’s any interest maybe we could have a class movie evening to watch it.
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