Repeated games

In class we spoke about repeated games.

You can see a recording of this here:

I asked you all to write strategies for the game defined by playing the following stage game twice:

\[A = \begin{pmatrix} \underline{12} & 6\\ 0 & \underline{24}\\ \underline{12} & 23\\ \end{pmatrix} \qquad B = \begin{pmatrix} \underline{2} & 1\\ \underline{5} & 4\\ \underline{0} & 0\\ \end{pmatrix}\]

We discussed things at length and found 4 Nash equilibria which corresponds to both players playing a strategy that did not depend on actions of either player:

We then discussed the following strategy:

  1. For the row player:
\[\begin{array} (\emptyset, \emptyset) \to r_2\\ (r_2, c_1) \to r_3\\ (r_2, c_2) \to r_1\\ \end{array}\]
  1. For the column player:
\[\begin{array} (\emptyset, \emptyset) \to c_2\\ (r_1, c_2) \to c_1\\ (r_2, c_2) \to c_1\\ (r_3, c_2) \to c_1 \end{array}\]

This corresponds to the following scenario:

Play \((r_2, c_2)\) in first stage and \((r_1,c_1)\) in second stage unless the column player does not cooperate in which case play \((r_3, c_1)\)

This gives a utility of \((36, 6)\). Is this an equilibrium?

We discussed the incentive either play might have to deviate from this: there is none. No player has a reason to deviate so this is a Nash equilibrium.

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