A lengthy set of support enumeration calculations
In today’s class we worked through the support enumeration algorithm. This
involved some discussions about what the algorithm is based on but also a bunch
of tedious linear equations.
A recording of the class is available here.
We applied the algorithm described
to the zero sum game defined by:
\[A = \begin{pmatrix}
0 & -1 & 1\\
1 & 0 & -1\\
-1 & 1 & 0
The basic idea behind the algorithm is as follows:
- Assume what actions are played by both players (this is called the supports
of the strategies
- Identify the strategies that ensure that indeed all actions of the chosen
supports will be played: this only happens if all actions in the support
itself have the same expected utility.
- Check that there is no better outside of the supports chosen.
Note We did not actually get to part 3 today.
We considered the supports of size 1: there are no single pairs of actions that
are pairs of best responses to each other.
We considered 2 pairs of supports of size 2:
- \(I = \{R, P\}\) (the row player only using Rock and Paper) and \(J=\{R, P\}\)
(the column player also only using Rock and Paper). This lead to a
contradiction (at step 2 of the above general idea) where there would be no
probabilities that work.
- \(I = \{R, P\}\) (the row player only using Rock and Paper) and \(J=\{P, S\}\)
(the column player only using Paper and Scissors).
We did not finish this in class but it leads to a
contradiction (at step 3 of the above general idea) the row player would
benefit from playing Scissors. I will finish this in class on Monday.
That is 2 of the 9 possible pairs of supports of size 2.