A lengthy set of support enumeration calculations

In today’s class we worked through the support enumeration algorithm. This involved some discussions about what the algorithm is based on but also a bunch of tedious linear equations.

A recording of the class is available here.

We applied the algorithm described here to the zero sum game defined by:

\[A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -1 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & -1\\ -1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}\]

The basic idea behind the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Assume what actions are played by both players (this is called the supports of the strategies
  2. Identify the strategies that ensure that indeed all actions of the chosen supports will be played: this only happens if all actions in the support itself have the same expected utility.
  3. Check that there is no better outside of the supports chosen.

Note We did not actually get to part 3 today.

We considered the supports of size 1: there are no single pairs of actions that are pairs of best responses to each other.

We considered 2 pairs of supports of size 2:

  1. \(I = \{R, P\}\) (the row player only using Rock and Paper) and \(J=\{R, P\}\) (the column player also only using Rock and Paper). This lead to a contradiction (at step 2 of the above general idea) where there would be no probabilities that work.
  2. \(I = \{R, P\}\) (the row player only using Rock and Paper) and \(J=\{P, S\}\) (the column player only using Paper and Scissors). We did not finish this in class but it leads to a contradiction (at step 3 of the above general idea) the row player would benefit from playing Scissors. I will finish this in class on Monday.

That is 2 of the 9 possible pairs of supports of size 2.

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