Best responses against computer strategies

In class today we spoke more about strategies which are methods for picking actions from action sets. Specifically we spoke about best responses: what is the best strategy when faced with a given strategy.

A recording of that class is available here:

We started class by discussing what the original expectations you had might have been about Game Theory:

After this we played matching pennies against strategies played by a computer. As usual you all had some great suggestions and good ideas. Thank you for your engagement and the discussions we’re having in class.

We took at look at calculating the best response \(\sigma_c*\) (although in class I used \(\sigma_2\) interchangeably) against the strategy \(\sigma_r=(x, 1-x)\).

We saw that depending on the value of \(x\) we had 3 possible best responses:

All of this was lead by the idea that the expectation for a given \(\sigma_c\) is a linear function. The function can either:

An interesting concept one of you raised was that \(\sigma^rB\) which is a row vector is essentially the game from the column players point of view. I hadn’t heard anyone put that like that and it’s completely correct *for a given value of \(\sigma_r\)*.

This leads to the concepts described in this section of the notes:

Which is that we could write down a generic form of \(\sigma_c^*\):

\[ \sigma_c^*= \begin{cases} (0, 1),&\text{ if } x > 1/3\\
(1, 0),&\text{ if } x < 1/3\\
\text{indifferent},&\text{ if } x = 1/3 \end{cases} \]

I left as an exercise to repeat the procedure for \(\sigma_r^*\) which gives:

\[ \sigma_r^* = \begin{cases} (1, 0),&\text{ if } y > 1/2\\
(0, 1),&\text{ if } y < 1/2\\
\text{indifferent},&\text{ if } y = 1/2 \end{cases} \]

(where \(y\) is the probability of being in the first column).

I then passed briefly over the remaining sections of the notes:

I started writing a notebook to demonstrate some things but realised that I was rushing things so I’m going to do that at the start of the next class.

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