In class today I discussed this paper: Studying the emergence of invasiveness in tumours using game theory.
A recording of the class is available here:
Here is a brief summary/exploration of some of the paper:
It uses two different approaches: describe an analytic evolutionary model. Note that there is a typo in the game:
\[\begin{pmatrix} b/2 & b - c\\ b & b - c/2 \end{pmatrix}\]Also note that this is showing the utility of the column player so that’s slightly different from the framework in the course.
The solution comes from:
>>> import sympy as sym
>>> p, b, c = sym.symbols("p, b, c")
>>> sym.solveset(p * (b - c / 2) + (1 - p) * (b - c) - p * (b) - (1 - p) * (b / 2), p)
{(b - 2*c)/(b - c)}
They also describe how a mixed stable solution will also exist which corresponds to the stability of the replicator dynamics equation.
Here is a blog post on the EGT blog about this paper:
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