Review of Probability

In class today we reviewed probability.

You can see a recording of the class here

Before the quiz, I asked you how you felt things were going. A number of students mentioned that there was a bit of a step up in complexity this week.

“I struggled a bit with the probability coding. I understand the code when it is written but trying to write it myself is a challenge”

“probability is difficult. tricky to do it intuitively. the container part in the loop is confusing”

“i know what probability code we are meant to write but i have no clue what it does and how to use it”

“Still a bit confused about the actual python language and the logic behind some of it”

This step is somewhat normal. As one comment said:

“Felt like we were doing actual coding this week”

This is mainly because we are writing code to represent the scenarios (selecting a token and based on the result flipping a specific probability coin etc…). The main things to take from this week is defining functions and the use of if statements.

If after today’s session there is some confusion in place:

This week’s quiz was won by Dmitry who is apparently also Hacker and Homelander.

4 usernames have won:

After the quiz I tackled the coursework like question from the handout. I did not quite have time to finish it but I have written up the notebook in a way that hopefully makes things clear. You can see the notebook here: probability.ipynb

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