Mid module feedback and brief introduction to Combinatorics

In class today carried out the mid module feedback and briefly introduced the combinatorics chapter.

Thank you for engaging with this, I’ll try and summarize the main points raised and describe changes I will attempt to make.

You can see a recording of the class here

Mid module feedback

A number of you mentioned the structure, online class and use of my website as a positive aspect of the course. Some of you also made some kind comments: thank you.

My speed during class continues to come up. I’ll continue to try and do better there.

One of the main things that a number of you raised that could be improved was the Friday class. A number of you find the class “pointless”.

In the class I explained that I do want to stick to the substructure of every week where the Friday class is used to review the concepts. I will continue to do this. However I would like to thank a couple of students who came up to me at the end of class and made some great suggestions of how the Friday class could be improved. My plan for the Friday class:

When I got back to my office I noticed I hadn’t used the Q&A feature right on Mentimeter and there were a few questions left:

import sympy as sym
k = sym.Symbol("k")
p = sym.Symbol("p")
equation = sym.Eq(lhs=k, rhs=p + 1).subs({p: k})
sym.solveset(equation, k)

Brief introduction to combinatorics

Here is the notebook I used in class: combinatorics.ipynb

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