Overview of assessment performance

In this post I will discuss the performance of the class:

Note that at this point in time the marks are provisional and could be scaled by the Exam board.

Overall class performance

A summary of the overall class performance is given here:

count    235
mean      72.38
std       17.84
min        0
25%       63
50%       74.5
75%       85.25
max      100

The average is a bit above the University guidelines which are that the mean class mark should be within \(62 \pm \frac{80}{\sqrt{n}}\) where \(n\) is 235 in this class (the number of students in the class).

Group class performance

I was incredibly impressed with the work you accomplished this Semester. Some projects where really innovative and well executed.

Some of the projects were really excellent and went up and above of what was expected.

I particularly enjoyed a number of discussions I had with groups this Semester. Some of you clearly put a lot of work in to this work and you should be proud of overcoming the various hurdles and difficulties.

A summary of the class marks are here:

count    235
mean      61.02
std       25.61
min        0
25%       39
50%       69
75%       75
max      100

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