Un peu de math
Adapting to blended learning - 2020-11-24
A post describing some of the approaches I have used to adapt to the changes imposed by safety measures.
Setting up a spell checker for LaTeX (or anything really) via github actions - 2020-10-21
A post showing how to use aspell and github actions to check spelling.
Deploying a static site (built with R and Python) via github actions - 2020-10-18
A post showing how to deploy a static site using github actions.
Computing nash equilibria in R - 2020-02-26
Using vertex enumeration to compute equilibria in R
Not reproducing Axelrod's first tournament - 2019-05-24
Using the latest Axelrod release to (fail to) reproduce Axelrod's tournament but investigating the replicator dynamics to get similar results
Making a kernel available to Jupyter - 2019-05-06
A short post with the command needed to make a given kernel appear in Jupyter dropdown menu
A (very reproducible) paper about recognising zero determinant strategies - 2019-04-03
Describing a recent pre print and also pointing at the recognition it got for reproducibility.
Comparing different methods for computing steady state probabilities of continuous time Markov chains using Python - 2018-12-19
Continuous time Markov chains can be used to model a variety of systems, computing there steady state probabilities can be done a number of different ways.
Simulating a Galton board with Markov chains, eigenvalues and Python - 2018-11-26
Use the stationary distribution of an absorbing markov chain to simulate a Galton board
Iterating over many lists at the same time in Python with `zip` - 2018-11-23
An overview of the awesome `zip` generator in Python.
Review of an arxiv preprint about student interaction with video - 2018-07-11
Reviewing a preprint looking at student performance vs interaction behaviour in video
Just enough static site generator - 2018-07-10
A description of a small python script as a static site generator
A blog about programming (usually scientific python), mathematics (usually game theory) and learning (usually student centred pedagogic approaches).
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