###Robert Lee Moore (1882-1972):
> "That student is taught the best who is told the least."
###Flipped Classroom

###Moore Method
**Inquiry Based Learning**
In general student led learning through:
- Problems
- Presentations
**Requires student buy in!**
###The Plan
Class schedule:
- 0900 - 0920: Group presents solution to challenge (R)
- 0920 - 0940: Class discussion (R)
- 0940 - 1040: Lab session (R)
- 1040 - 1100: Break
- 1100 - 1120: Group presents solution to challenge (SAS)
- 1120 - 1140: Class discussion (SAS)
- 1140 - 1240: Lab session (SAS)
- Class Test: 40%;
- Individual Coursework: 30%; **I'm giving you 25% of this.**
- Participate in discussion
- Group Coursework: 30%; **I'm giving you 25% of this.**
- Present solutions to challenge.
###Example R Challenge
The data set `Data_for_Analysis.csv` contains data of simulated game play for the game "shut the box" (for info see this [blog post](http://goo.gl/zViSX)). Rows of the file correspond to instances of play. Columns correspond to variables corresponding to each of the 4 strategies:
- The score for each strategy
- The number of turns for each strategy
Which strategy seems to be the best?
###Example Challenge Solution
###Course Materials
###Group work "issues"

###Group work "issues"
- A lot of literature on the subject:
Lejk, M., Wyvill, M., & Farrow, S. (1996). A Survey of Methods of Deriving Individual Grades from Group Assessments. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 21(3).
- We will use a game theoretical approach.
- Flipped classroom approach;
- IBL approach;
- Needs your buy in to work.