

Required product:

Program to help understand the best strategy to play Rock Paper Scissors. You need to build a tournament that creates a round robin of players using different strategies playing Rock Paper Scissors. Each match between 2 players will be 21 rounds of Rock Paper Scissors.

After creating this tournament, create a new strategy that wins the overall tournament.


There will be 6 original strategies/players:

  • Always play Rock;
  • Always play Paper;
  • Always play Scissors;
  • Alternate: Rock then Paper then Scissors;
  • Alternate: Rock then Scissors then Paper;
  • Play randomly
  • Mirror: Repeats the ‘previous move’ made by the oppponent.

Particularities that need to be taken in to account:

Strategies are allowed to keep track of what has happened throughout their current duel but do not know what strategy/player they are playing (although they can try to figure it out).


The following picture summarises your challenge:

Simple summar


Your code will be evaluated in terms of:

  • Precision (does it work and if so is it correct? - This is an objective criteria)
  • Performance (how fast is it? how does it handle bugs? - This is an objective criteria)
  • Time taken to submit solution (This is an objective criteria)
  • Clarity (is it well written/documented/tested - This is a subjective criteria)
  • How have you been working as a team (This is a subjective criteria)


I suggest you proceed by clearly defining independent programming tasks and attempting to work independently whilst ensuring that each piece of code produced is capable of talking to each other piece.