Embedded Enterprise in Mathematics

Dr Vincent Knight


### _Should a modern mathematician be a coder?_
number_of_drops_in_circle = len(drops_in_circle) number_of_drops_out_of_circle = len(drops_out_of_circle) number_of_drops = number_of_drops_in_circle + number_of_drops_out_of_circle plt.figure() plt.xlim(-length_of_field / 2, length_of_field / 2) plt.ylim(-length_of_field / 2, length_of_field / 2) plt.scatter([e[0] for e in drops_in_circle], [e[1] for e in drops_in_circle], color='blue', label="Drops in circle") plt.scatter([e[0] for e in drops_out_of_circle], [e[1] for e in drops_out_of_circle], color='black', label="Drops out of circle") plt.legend(loc="center") plt.title("%s drops: %s landed in circle, estimating $\pi$ as %.4f." % (number_of_drops, number_of_drops_in_circle, 4 * number_of_drops_in_circle / number_of_drops)) plt.savefig("%s_drops.%s" % (number_of_drops, format))

Dear Vince,

I have nothing to put on my CV!

Please send help and food,


3rd Year Tutee


  • Week 1: Introductory Lecture
  • Week 2: Idea to Market
  • Week 3: Research Skills
  • Week 4: Strategic Project Management
  • Week 5: Pitching
### Week 7-10: Seminars



### Week 3: Project Report _2 pages: 30 % of total mark_
### Week 6: Lightning Talks
### Week 11: Final Presentations _25 minutes: 70 % of total mark_


[www.vincent-knight.com](www.vincent-knight.com) [+VincentKnight](https://plus.google.com/+VincentKnight/) [@drvinceknight](https://twitter.com/drvinceknight) [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) [github.com/drvinceknight/](https://github.com/drvinceknight/)