Henry Wilde

Here is a list of publications written with Henry Wilde:

  1. 2020: Matching: A Python library for solving matching games: Henry Wilde, Vincent Knight, Jon Gillard - Journal of Open Source Software.
  2. 2020: Evolutionary Dataset Optimisation: Learning algorithm quality through evolution: Henry Wilde, Vincent Knight, Jon Gillard - Applied Intelligence.
  3. 2020: Segmentation analysis and the recovery of queuing parameters via the Wasserstein distance: a study of administrative data for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Henry Wilde, Vincent Knight, Jon Gillard, Kendal Smith - .
  4. 2023: A novel initialisation based on hospital-resident assignment for the k-modes algorithm: Henry Wilde, Vincent Knight, Jon Gillard - Accepted in Soft Computing (SOCO).

Here is a list of student projects undertaken with Henry Wilde:

  1. (PhD): New methods for algorithm evaluation and cluster initialisation with applications to healthcare (2017 - 2021)

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